Thursday, February 7, 2013

Going without

Last night I made the decision to stop shampooing my hair. I'm not sure how long I will stick to this, but I figured I had all the ingredients (baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and water) so what the hey! Anyway, I followed all the directions that I had found online and put it to the test. Mid-shower, the apple cider vinegar concoction got knocked over and spilled all over the shower floor(which, due to the very odd design of our shower is consequently half of the bathroom floor) and sent the aromatic smell of vinegar everywhere. I figured "oh well, that's just the conditioner portion anyway" so I went on, pouring the baking soda water into my hair. It was a weird feeling, I'm not sure exactly how to describe it. It felt like even though my hair was wet.. It was dry. Not a very good explanation, but if you decide to try it you will know what I'm talking about. After a few minutes of attempted rinsing I had thought that it was all out. Nope, wrong! I woke up this morning with matted dreads. If you want over night dreads, I highly suggest this technique! My hair is very voluminous today, but I think that's because it's still coated in baking soda and won't lie flat. Despite this turn of events, I'm going to keep doing it and using the vinegar rinse to get the baking soda out. I will update soon to find out if I smell like rotting apples or if my hair falls out!

*Edited 2/16*
I'm such a quitter, I shampooed my hair regularly on Valentines Day. I will try to go back to baking soda soon, but I am going to have to adjust the recipe. It makes my hair super dry and stiff and weird. Hoping that with the adjustments it will improve. I'll keep you posted.


  1. This was so fun to read! Have you kept at it? Is it working? Maybe I'll try it one of these days... Glad I can learn from your mistakes, though. :P

    Does the apple cider vinegar have to have the mother? I think it's funny how important the parentage of apple cider vinegar can be for some things.

    *edited just now*
    Just read your edit, haha. Keep us posted, I guess! Do you think it had too much baking soda?

    You're brave for even trying, in my opinion!

  2. The vinegar is not just a conditioner. The baking soda is a base. Bases break down oils cleaning your hair. Not using the vinegar allows the base to act all night drying out your hair. I'm glad it didn't fall out. The vinegar will probably more than neutralize the baking soda leaving your hair acidic. The acid should wash out with water.
